I gave into the pressure of the blogging world...so here's a new little adventure for the moment! I guess I will start with 10 things I love and 10 things I'm thankful for-a great way to start any day:)
10 Things I Love:
1. Temples- the opportunity to be sealed for eternity with my family, the peace and spirit that lives in that simple and elegant building-it all wraps into the best place in the world to be.
2. Family- this is a no brainer for me and anyone who knows me! My family is my support and my rock. They know me better than I know myself and push me to be the person I want to be and will do anything for me. And they are just crazy:)
3. Rain- It's like the world is coming clean. The smell, the feel, before and after, it's all just amazing and beautiful!
4. Pictures- It's capturing a moment onto a piece of paper. "A Picture Says A Thousand Words" is exactly true. There's emotions and things and experiences you can't put into words that are all said through pictures.
5. The Priesthood- Seriously though. I know for a fact I would not be who I am or where I am without this piece in my life.
6. White Daisies- I'm not a flower person. I like them and appreciate them. But White Daisies are gorgeous. They are pure and simple and happy.
7. Good Friends- We all need them and I would be a different person without them. I feel like everything I say about them could be cliche, but there are reasons those phrases become cliches!
8. Music- Good lyrics and a good melody/beat can take you to a world beyond this one. One of my favorite de-stressers is laying on my floor and listening to Florence + the Machine, Ingrid Michaelson, or Sara Bareilles. I've always had music in my life and a lot of who I am comes from exploring this world and the words these people say.
9. "Bones"- If you know me at all, you know I am a "Bones" freak! I am an Anthropology major and even though she is a Forensic Anthropologist and I want to be a Cultural one, that show is part of what pushed me to make the change from something practical to something I love.
10. Laughing- 'Nuff Said!
10 Things I'm Thankful For:
1. Trials- No matter how bad they get, you just have to trust in the Lord that He has everything planned out and that He has a plan for you. It's all a learning experience and the more you learn the more you grow. Isn't that the point of being on this Earth?
2. Traveling- The world is a beautiful place that God made for us, I'm going to explore every inch of this world and see all the wonders he made for us to enjoy and meet people He put on this Earth who have purposes just like me.
3. The Gospel of Jesus Christ- The peace and knowledge I have from
this church has saved me from many pains and trials. In the trials that I
do come across, it gives me the comfort, peace, and guidance that I need to make it through and come out a better and stronger person with more faith in the Lord.
4. The Scriptures- The outline of the gospel, the plan, the
comfort, the peace, everything I could ever imagine and could never
think of needed is in here. The Book of Mormon, Bible, Doctrine and
Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price are all here for me, and ultimately
for everyone else, but sometimes it speaks directly to me. That's the
best feeling in the world.
5. Small Acts Of Kindness- People don't realize that the smallest of things help. It's said all the time, but you never actually understand until you are in the position to receive. Then you learn that the smallest acts of kindness can change a persons day or attitude. Even if they are not appreciated at the moment.
6. My Job- This school year I've been an after school nanny for Gabby. She has become one of my best friends and basically my little sister. She and I have so much fun together! And I have a job, which is a big accomplishment in the state we are in, but to have one that I love? That's an even bigger blessing!
7. My Talents- I don't like to brag, I don't like to show off, and most of the time I hate to admit I have talents. But I know I have some, and I am thankful for them and the opportunities they give me and how I can use them to help others.
8. School- I love to learn! I may complain about studying because I don't want to give up that time I could be doing something NOT productive, but I really do love studying. I love expanding my mind.
9. Food- 'Nuff Said.
10. My Bed- It's comfortable. I sleep there. The end!
So really you could merge the two lists together and it would be the same list! This blog is really for myself. I'm better at typing/writing out what I want and need to say saying it out loud. I really don't have an interesting life, but I try to make it interesting while I'm here! And I didn't mean to make this post this long! The others will be shorter, guaranteed!