Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Freshman Year=CHECK!

   I just finished my last exam of my Freshman year of college. I feel old. One year ago I was sitting in my chorus class with my best friends, crying over graduation and the fear of growing up. Today I am sitting on my bed, satisfied with the completion of my first year in college and reminiscing on the things I've learned in this very short year both academically and on a more personal level. Things like every grade counts, don't procrastinate, put 100% into every assignment, be prepared for class, and talk to your professors all have helped me and are things I've learned through trial and error or from previous advice. Things like just be yourself, have fun, make the most of every situation, make goals and keep them, remind yourself daily of who you are and what that means are all things I've learned the same way, but have become a part of me.
    I have not changed, just grown. God has a path for me and I'm just in the woods trying to find it. I've learned to stop trying to forge the path on my own, but follow the little whisperings of the Spirit to the little path for me that's been made already for me. If I do my part, He will do His. Of course I still want to travel and experience things and life and meet people and learn so much. Of course I still want to get married someday to an amazing man who will take me to the temple. If I didn't still have these dreams and goals I wouldn't be myself. I've just become someone who wants to put the Lord first instead and others second. And I think Heavenly Father will find a way to incorporate my goals with His.
    One year ago, I would have never imagined to have the experiences and friendships that I have now. I have the best group of friends, the best major, and the most fun. One year ago, the plan was to be anti-social, put every effort into my nursing degree, and transfer to BYU after studying abroad in New Zealand. Today, the plan is to have fun with the people I love and the friends that I've made, to try my best and soak up my Anthropology classes, and as far as where I'm going to school is being taken a semester at a time. When I travel and where I go will be determined as the timing is right and the opportunity comes. For now, I'm going to set some summer goals and have fun during my last month with Gabby.


  1. Hooray! Congrats on the completion of your first year; that's super exciting = )
    And your attitude sounds awesome - it really is amazing how much we can learn, grow, and change in one year!

  2. Thanks Carly! Yeah, it's awesome and so cool to look back on!
