Sunday, August 26, 2012

Week One: DONE!

  So I survived the first week of classes. I say survived because this was one rough week! As much as I love school, love learning, love my major, and love my classes it was just hard to jump right back in to the amount of work in balancing school, a job, and getting myself together!
  Now onto each of my classes:

1. Into to Cultural Anthropology: THE BEST CLASS EVER. No, seriously. My professor is about as crazy into this stuff as I am and I start my Monday mornings off great! The class is fun and interesting and we don't have to come to class Friday's so we can watch pieces of documentaries:)
2. Archaeology through World Prehistory: Kind of not as exciting as I expected. If I were an archaeologist, I would die. You just dig up dirt to find rocks. When you find those rocks they could be one of three billion things man used to use. One of those options is just a dumb old rock. Not my cup of tea! But it should be more interesting as we dive into the actual stuff? At least the professor is really nice and quirky!
3. Mythology: I like it. It's a lot of the same kind of themes, which makes it easy. And the professor even said to think of it as story time, so...don't mind if I do!
4. Philosophy (Contemporary Moral Problems): Well, the class is all online. Even the quizzes and exams, which he tells us to use our books and notes for...Also, we have the most hilarious videos to watch to help us learn. Do I see an A+ coming??
5. The World in the 20th Century: Literally have done nothing for that class. He just posted our first assignment Saturday morning, so it will be a little bit of a challenge for me to like that class.

So these are just my first impressions of my classes and how the semester is going to go! Thursday, I came up with a list of goals I want to complete this semester. I hope that if I post this and people read them, they will help me accomplish these!!

1. Exercise every day. Most of the time it will be morning, unless I don't have to work. Then it will be afternoon. And not on Sunday.
2. Read D&C all the way through
3. Make All A's.. :)
4. Volunteer at least once a week!!

So pretty much that's been my life in a nutshell this week! Here's to hoping week two is a little more normal!

Oh, and a picture of me and how excited I am for class tomorrow..

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