I should be studying for my Archaeology test right now, but I decided to start studying off by reading a talk from this Octobers General Conference. I stated it before in a previous post, but for those of you reading for the first time or just need a refresher, LDS (Mormon) believe in modern day revelation and prophets on the earth like back in the times of the Bible. We have a prophet on the earth today named Thomas Monson and he leads the church through revelation from God. Twice a year we have General Conference, where he speaks to us as well as some other members of the church who are ordained as apostles and other authorities over the church (Read what they said in October
That being said, I was reading a talk by Elder Russel M. Nelson, one of the Twelve Apostles today, titled "Ask the Missionaries! They Can Help You!" (which you can read
here). I have always known this church is the true church of God and has the full gospel, but reading this talk just made so much sense to me of the mission of the church and what we believe. It's not a new idea to me, as I have grown up in this church and experienced it's truths and felt the power of it in my own life before, but the way he says it is so clear and simple. He said:
"The true name of the Church is The Church of Jesus
of Latter-day Saints. It is the reestablished original Church of Jesus
Christ. When He walked upon the earth, He organized His Church. He
called Apostles, Seventies, and other leaders to whom He gave priesthood
authority to act in His name.
After Christ and His Apostles passed away, men changed the ordinances
and doctrine. The original Church and the priesthood were lost. After
the Dark Ages, and under the direction of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ
brought back His Church. Now it lives again, restored and functioning
under His divine direction."
Wouldn't it make sense for the true church of God today to be just like the church He created back when Christ was on the church? With a prophet, apostles, the same doctrine? I think so. I believe that to be considered the only true church of God, you must have prophets and apostles
called of God. And guess what? The LDS church does! I was so blessed and so lucky to be born into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I didn't have to search. I didn't have to be conflicted between what different messages church's of the same faith say about the Bible. Because the Lord's true church has all the answers and it is the same throughout every country it is on. He has made it so clear to us, not only through the prophets, but through the Book of Mormon.
Please don't trash talk that wonderful book if you have not even read it. It's like saying you don't like a food when you haven't tried it. How do you know if you won't try? How do you know what Mormon's believe if you don't ask? If you don't look to the
proper people for guidance in what they truly believe. We won't all try to convert you-that's something you do of your own will and desire. But we want you to know what we believe so it's not so misconstrued out in this crazy world. Go to
www.lds.org or
www.mormon.org if you want the true knowledge and answers about our church. Find your local LDS missionaries if you really want to know what we believe. Better yet, actually visit one of our churches (you can find the location and times of the one nearest you through lds.org)! Talk to the people there. Actually get to know us. Don't assume. Keep and Open Mind and Heart.
Have you ever wondered why other church's don't have a prophet or apostles like back in Christ's time? And they don't have the priesthood? Yet they claim to follow all of His teachings? I believe that Christ intended for us to have prophets and apostles because times do change, but one thing is for certain is that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So shouldn't His teachings and His church be the same yesterday, today, and forever?
"For behold, I am God; and I am a God of miracles; and I will show unto the world that I am the
same yesterday,
today, and
forever; and I work not among the children of men save it be according to their faith." -2 Nephi 27:23 (Book of Mormon)
I have such a strong testimony that this is the true church of God. That His son, Jesus Christ, came to the earth to show us the way to live our lives, to establish a church with everything we need, and to suffer for all of our sins-physically, emotionally, and mentally-so that we can live with Him and our families once again in the highest degree of glory. I know that we have a living prophet today that is here to help us remember the things Christ taught us, so we can all strive to be perfect like He is. I know that after Christ died for our sins, He showed Himself to the people on the other Continents, the "others who are not of this fold" ( John 10:16), and they saw his pierced hands and feet and sides. They established His church as well. They were blessed by Him and taught by Him. It was all recorded in what is now the Book of Mormon. I cannot think of a better way to surround my life than with His love and His guidance. So please, take a moment and actually look at what the Mormon's believe. We are Christians. Life is an ongoing process and we can all learn to be a little kinder, show more compassion and love, and learn to be better people. That's really what God's church teaches.