Sunday, November 4, 2012

What A Wonderful Weekend!

     This title has too many W's.
     First off, I want to apologize to anyone I offended with my last blog post. I have very strong beliefs and realize that other people have their own as well and may not coincide with mine. I respect everyone's opinion and love to learn about their beliefs, so please share yours with me and why you believe that! Part of being an anthropology major is not only just learning what people believe and do and how they act, but why . So throw it at me!!
     Second, I have so much to say right now. Literally so many thoughts have come through my head this weekend and I have been amazed at what the gospel teaches us and how I have seen it in my life. It started off at the Raleigh Stake YSA conference where the theme was "Come As You Are" (not only the Nirvana song that was stuck in my head all weekend, guys). Right off the bat I thought of Christ's plea to "Come unto Me". He goes on to say everyone come to Him. Everyone. Those who think they are having a great time in life so far and those who are not. Everyone is invited to partake of His blessings that he WANTS to give! This is going to be a jump ahead, but I talked to someone tonight who went to the temple today and she said "The more I looked at the temple yesterday, the more I was struck with how unworthy we all are to go inside and do what we do and make covenants with Him, yet He wants us to go so bad so He can give us those blessings." I'd like to add even though He knows we are imperfect. So that was the "Come" part. The "As You Are" part was what else I focused on this weekend. Who am I right now? Who do I want to be? Who do I want to become? And HOW do I get there? First off, one speaker made me realize that I need to stop being my own worst enemy. I need to stop bringing myself down and realize how much the Lord see's in me. I can do whatever I put my mind to as long as I keep the Lord in front and beside me every step of the way. I wish I could post all the notes from this weekend!!
     Another one of my favorite things was the last presentation on Saturday. The couple presenting had us think of a moment or a day that meant something to us and why and how it shaped us. We then got into groups and discussed and shared. I was so struck after reflecting on my own and listening to the others in my group on just how strong we all are. We are all made for our trials. We are designed to overcome anything we are put to. As I sat back and looked at everyone, I wondered just what they have all been through. All around my same age, but so very different and unique and as unique as we all are, the Lord loves each and every one of us and has such a divine purpose and mission for each. We all have very important missions in life. Tonight there was a CES broadcast for the YSA as well and guess what the topic was? Basically just the same thing we talked about this weekend and more of the how to all of it. This weekend was one that I needed more so so that I can focus on how I can serve others and see the beauty in them and how Christ see's them. He didn't see them as weird or freaky or odd, but saw them as beautiful and perfect. I just hope I can become better at seeing people through God's eyes and be better at serving all of His children!
      Now that the spiritual side has been talked about-OH! I'm reading "The Miracle of Forgiveness" by Spencer W. Kimball right now-SO GOOD. And I just want to sit and read it all day:) I recommend it and I'm not even done.
     Anyways I made tons of good friends this weekend and had a blast BecUAE I WAS NHHAYLEY-from Hayley. But that's pretty much been life in a nutshell! Those thoughts and school. Which will be over in four weeks and then one more semester and I'm halfway through college and then soon I will be all the way done with college and have to do something with my life and I'm about to have a midlife crisis bye!

1 comment:

  1. You and your mid-life crisis'... I hope you survive this one as you did the last. Anyway, it's good to look forward to the future. I also liked your thoughts on the phrase "Come as you are;" it reminded me of the quote from Pindar tonight: "Become who you are." Yes, the future is coming at us all quickly; heck, I'm close to being a certified teacher and that thought is a little/very crazy to me at times, but the end goal is to live up to our eternal potential as sons and daughters of our loving Heavenly Father. When all is said and done, that is who we are. Each thing we do should be a step towards it. Eternity is too long to have a mid-life crisis. Anyway, them's my thoughts. Way to go for reading "The Miracle of Forgiveness."
