I know my birthday isn't until Saturday, but I couldn't help but be so overwhelmingly grateful for the people who have been there for me this past year and I don't know how to express to them my love and gratitude for them like they deserve. There really is no way to make up for all the love and friendship they have shown me this past year. These aren't going to be very long cause there are quite a few, but it's just a smidgeon of what's in my heart. I'm sappy. So here we go with some MAJOR shout outs!
1. Hayley: I loved our crazy, random, hilarious times together and her infectious laugh is the best! Just a few favorites: watch the pinterest hairstyles and polar express chats. She also is an amazing example of true optimism. Thanks Hayley for so much knowing how to get me out of my comfort zone and being the best person to go to when I've had a bad day. And she laughs at my jokes sometimes.
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I wasn't about to scroll through our millions of nonsense pictures. So we are stuck with this one |
2. Matt: He's been on a mission for our church for the past year now, but even so we keep in touch through emails. I miss him like crazy and I try to email as much as possible, but hearing his letters back home always give me strength to go through my week. When he gets the chance to respond to mine it makes me feel so filled with the spirit and so grateful for an amazing cousin. I cannot wait till he comes back home!
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Before Matty left! |
3. Matthew: Today was kind of rough. Matthew is being set apart tonight as a missionary for our church. This means I had my last phone call with him for two years. He has always been someone I can count on to give me good advice, make sure I'm smiling, and really reminds me of how much I am worth. He's been the best friend that everyone should have and I'm grateful he could be mine! Argentina is going to have one great missionary for the next two years!
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we don't judge that this was two years ago and we haven't taken a picture since. |
4. Rae: Oh my goodness between this summer when I got to come visit for a week and our failed skype attempts but lots of phone calls, we've kept in touch. And best friends. I don't know what I would have done without your support from across the continent and across the world this year! You have a way of reminding me of the simple things in life and to take it easy. You are such an example to me of being strong and determined. Thanks for listening to me rant and for being weird with me.
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You get two pictures because one is our inside us |
And one is our outside us. It was almost the horsicorn pic. |
5.Jennifer: Basically like another big sister! Apparently I can never have too many of them :) You are so welcoming and inviting and I love it! I'm so happy you have become part of my family basically this year. You were one of my first friends in the YSA and I cannot thank you enough for welcoming me with open arms. Party Rock For Life. You are so down to earth and have such a level head and I totally wish I had that haha. You also are always willing to go on another adventure and keep an open mind and an open heart. Thanks for dancing wif me and showing me the real way southern people talk.
To prove the sister point |
6. Liz: Seriously though, what can I say? You were my first VT companion! And this summer with you was a blast!! Pool days and movies and Georgia and concerts and pinterest and the beach! You are so open and so funny (you know you are funny, so it's not like I really had to say it...). You have a way of lightening everyone's mood when you are around and the most infectious laugh! Thanks for being there to listen, being loving, and being a good sport with my dumb, yet hilarious, jokes!
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Yes. |
7. Kevin: So. You've always been the one to set my head back on straight. Does that make sense or did I use the wrong metaphor (Liz, correct me)? Either way, you remind me to take deep breaths and take everything a day at a time, which I need a lot when I get stressed and you always give the best advice. You've been such a blessing to my family- I'm pretty sure they like you better- and such a blessing to me. Your example of charity and Christ-like love are so powerful, I don't even think you understand. Thanks for having the patience to put up with me and for actually smiling a little bit when I really am funny :)
It's sad that this is our only picture together. At least you smiled! |
8. Kelsey: Dearest, you have been there for me like no other. You have been so patient and loving with me and really try to understand what I am trying to say. You listen to my thoughts and my emotions and you help me get through my problems and doubts. Thank you for always talking to me when I walk back from rehearsal and singing with me too :)
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Just this picture makes my life. |
9. My Siblings: If I included every single one of you on here I would have 15 people on here and at least another 2 hours to write this post! You guys are amazing. Each one of you is so unique and so talented. You all have the light of Christ that just shines through and hits me like a ton of bricks whenever I see you. You are examples of strength, wisdom, diligence, kindness, and thoughtfulness. Overall, you guys are love. I am so blessed I get to be with you guys through eternity and that I was lucky enough to learn from you my whole life so far and my many years to come!
5 pictures is a lot so I had to go with the most recent of us all togetha! |
10. Dad: I literally only typed that one word, "dad" and started crying. You are so amazing. You honor your priesthood so that any time I need a blessing I can come to you. You are so smart and so willing to help others. You're hilarious, which I hate that I didn't realize until a few years ago, and so definitely the best dad in the entire world!
Always a daddy's girl! |
11. Mom: Well. You're my best friend. I honestly don't know where I would be without your love and your guidance this year. You are an amazing person, and an even more amazing mother. Yes, the grammer nazi, but an amazing mother. You always know what to say and make everyone laugh. I just don't know what else to say because nothing is good enough to express what you mean to me. Thanks for giving me the ultimate gift and reason why I'm writing this post-LIFE. Even though you didn't want to look at me. It's okay, I was probably switched out for a half asian baby anyways.
You would get a picture too but you don't let me take any of you :(
So these are the most amazing people in my life who have been beyond the best influences this year. They've been crazy enough to stick through the craziness that is me and come out to love me anyways, and I couldn't be more thankful. There are not enough presents that could replace these wonderful people in my life! I love you!!
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