I have literally had "Grenade" or "1957" stuck in my head everyday all day for the past 2 weeks. And guess what? Now "Numb/My Breath" is added to that little collection. Oh, and "Accidentally in Love". Thank you, Chariots!
Stairs are never a good thing. Have you ever seen something good going down in a stairwell? No. It's always murders and people chasing with guns and men snatching little girls. They also trip you no matter what way you are going. Evil.
There's a cat that I saw last night by Bojangles and I named him Bo. But I didn't touch him because sometimes they are crazy cats. But his fur is the same color as their chicken and he's fat.
My car smells like cheese. I don't keep actual food in my car. I don't know how it smells like cheese or why but if anyone wants to clean my car for me I would gladly let them. Stinky cheese.
Here's the thing about French: It's dumb. Nothing looks like how it sounds and nothing makes logical sense. At least I made an A on my first quiz.
Chariots Boot Camp was this past Saturday. AKA I died from 9-5. Singing and dancing all day! I like to do those things, but it was a very very long day. But guess what people. ICCA IS IN 11 DAYS! EEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK!!!!
Also we had a guy from Fix-it come in to fix our toilet and shower (we had some sort of a leak from the wall apparently and our showerhead was about to fall off and our shower curtain was too short because we had to buy it cause our dorm is the loser and didn't automatically get one and it's the farthest from the water heater so we don't get hot water all the time) (and when you flushed the toilet you had to wait an hour for someone else to use it because it wouldn't stop making noises).
Can I just take a moment to say that it is February? Because it's already February. It was just barely Christmas.
My birthday is less than a month away. WHOOPDEDOO! I have changed my plans from going to the zoo to going to the Virginia Safari Park, Foamhenge, and a bunch of those awesome places in Virginia. The week after my birthday but it's okay!
K have a great week! I'll leave you with a picture of me and da chariots.
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