Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Best Week This Summer

   This week has been the absolute best week this summer and I dare every other week to try and top it! It's been the little things that have been adding up. Honestly, at the beginning of this summer I spent the mornings in bed, the afternoons at work, and the night with some friends. I expected nothing of this summer, just resenting the fact I wasn't in Australia and nothing was going the way I wanted it to.
   Here's the funny thing-you always get what you never expect. And you get so bummed out! I was so angry that things had not gone the way I had planned, and even though I knew God had a plan and this was part of it, I was really upset that I couldn't be in charge. It took a lot of little reminders to break me back down to where I need to be and you know what? It feels so good.
   This is why this week was so good:
1. I've been volunteering with the Center for New North Carolinians and doing a summer morning day camp for the refugee youth. First off, I was placed with middle school kids(NOT where I wanted to be, but it turned out..amazing.), and I have grown to love them so much. Second, it's been an incredible humbling experience for me as you would imagine. Third, those little kids I spend a few moments with each day love and embrace me and run up and just want to play games and hug me and kiss my cheek and braid my hair and it's the best feeling ever. The older kids I get to talk to like this..
2. This week the Greensboro Downtown Public Library has come in and we've been writing books. Monday we made paper, Tuesday we made the covers by Marble Art, Wednesday we sewed the books together, Today we wrote the story, and Tomorrow we go to the library and read the books and have pizza and such. By far my favorite was the marble art, today, and I'm pretty sure it will be tomorrow. Today, we sat a few kids who were having trouble focusing on themselves and their stories by themselves. One was a boy named Ben. Ben is 12 and is so sweet. Earlier this week he dubbed me "Good Driver" since he loves my car (I walk in every morning and hear him say "Hey Good Driver!"). He's not as outspoken as the other boys, but there is something about him that appreciates more than the other boys do. I sat with him and talked to him about why we were doing these books. They were supposed to answer the questions "What Country is your family from?" "Why did you come to America?" "What is your family like?" "What do you like about where you live?" "Describe your country before you moved here.". He thought it was really dumb until I started to tell him that people like me, who really are interested in his story and his life would love to read this book. We ended up talking over all the questions and answering them until he was comfortable writing down his story. I am so excited to see and read the other children's books tomorrow.
3. Institute this week really stuck with me. No kidding, I think the people in the class thought I was such a goober since I commented so much and practically smiled my face off the entire time. I realized that Heavenly Father truly loves me. I've always known it, and all summer I've been trying to really dig it in, but it never just stuck and hit home. I was reminded why I'm here. I have been given so many gifts, and one of them is having the gospel. And having that gospel means I have a duty to share it and I know Heavenly Father loves me so much that He gave me this to start with and knows I can get the job done. I know He loves everyone else as well and because He knows I can share it, I need to share it in whatever way possible and give His light to others, so they know He loves them and in turn they can go out and show others the love and gospel as well. Really, I just forgot that this life is not for me. I let go of everything I ever wanted.
4. I DID let go of everything I wanted. I know what I would like to happen in my life, but really I am open to whatever the Lord wants. I've remembered to be more Christ centered and pattern my life on His.

   I'm not saying that nothing bad has happened this week. I've had terrible nights sleeping, cracked my iPhone beyond repair, and have not felt great. But every night when I say my prayers, I can't help but smile and end up thanking God for absolutely everything and forget to ask for anything. I've finally remembered that life is fun and life is good. It's just taken a while for me to remember:)
   Soooo pretty much this week has been amazing. And I love life. And life is just so dang good. HAVE A FANTASTIC DAY.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a pretty cool week. The library activity especially sounds super awesome. And institute is always awesome (but it's nice that certain ones impact us at the times when we need them).
