Saturday, May 12, 2012

Advice I Needed

I've been thinking about my Grandma Gerber the past few days. She lived on the West coast through my life and I lived on the East, and with a family of 8 it was hard to visit. She died a few days after I turned 12. I didn't know her well, but had a few good memories. Every day I wish I could have one last conversation with her. My mother has always said the more I grow up the more I become like her mother. As I go through these trials and through my life I keep that one wish with me.
Elizabeth Lucile McKinney Gerber. I've become so grateful for the biography they wrote as she was passing. I ran across it this afternoon and am astonished at how alike we are! I will need a lot more years and a lot more experience before I can say the wonderful things she did, but these are just a few quotes from her that I couldn't let pass by:

"Just live every day the best you can. Don't let days go by without having some kind of positive experience. I don't care what each morning is when you get up. Look at it as another adventure."

"My talent is that I love everyone. I know that is a talent the Lord gave me but sometimes I don't know what to do with that talent. It is a gift for me to love people."

"Just look around you and see how truly wonderful life is and be a part of it. Try to put your toe in the water and get it good and wet and then slip all the way over your head. Going in over your head is a very, very good thing."

Advice she would give to a 10 year old: "Feel Comfortable About Yourself" "Run free as long as the world will let you. They world won't let a 50 year old woman make angels in the sand."

Advice to give someone 10-20 years old: "Look at life a little more openly and not let things, or people impress you. Don't let people form your opinions for you."

Me and My Grandparents-Lloyd and Betty

Look at how beautiful this woman is!

Great Grandma Brown and Grandma can see where I come from:)

Grandma and Grandpa-classic!

I am so blessed to be related to this woman and read these words and gather the strength and inspiration I need from her and her experiences.

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